國際研討會司儀心得 - 楊可喬 2008/11/05
這次有機會在The 16th International Conference on Computers in Education當司儀真的受益良多。
當天早上,我8點就到達會場,幸好家裡到會場有一般公車直達,只需再走一小段路,非常順利到達會場。一看到壯觀的劇院型會場就覺得有熟悉感,幸好之前看過會場長怎樣,不然我可能先因為意料外的訝異而開始緊張。到達後第一件事,馬上先看會場的廁所在哪,從會場內走到外面的的兩側出入口看看,再和之前一起開會的老師確認講者名單是否有任何變動。但是,一開始老師在和其他工作人員確認投影機和他們硬體設備上的事情,他就跟我說:「我現在很忙。」可是,我心想一定要窮追不捨,就趁他在確認硬體設備和與已抵達的會議參與者們打招呼說話時抓到空檔,和他確認名單是否有所變動?哪位不來?代替的講者是誰?講者們都到了沒?是哪邊的哪位?等等問題。果然,本來沒有說不會到的第一場9:20的講者介紹人就未能在9:20前趕到,所以我在開幕式致詞者演講時,眼睛仍一直搜尋那位教授在臺下的蹤影。在我說Would Professor xxx please come forward?的時候,還是沒看到人起身。這時,另一位開幕致詞老師起身上臺,我就說Professor ooo will represent Professor xxx as speaker introducer. 然後就換那位老師代替介紹。本來說要在每兩場發表會的Q&A後頒送紀念品的時間也沒辦法排進去,時間太緊了,就改成我或老師在宣佈完休息時間後直接給講者們。
基本上,是老師說要宣佈什麼,就幫大會宣佈一下,都還算簡單,不過在下午的場次開始前有一位與會者過來問,待會人很多的時候可不可以幫他宣傳議程中的一場會議,做個小廣告,像是「明天下午有某場次的主題很interesting,幫他 announce一下」。我就說盡量,之後問負責人的意見,還是決定在休息時間前再幫忙宣佈一下,不要下午場一開始就宣佈,這樣下午的講者們應該會覺得有點不受尊重,與會者的注意力也會被分散,所以我最後是在宣佈The meeting will resume tomorrow morning at (時間). We hope to see you then.前才幫他做announcement.
當司儀用字要精簡明確,不確定對不對的措詞就不要用,以免結巴,訊息有沒有真正傳達出去是重點。例如,下午的coffee break前,一位會議負責人要宣佈事情,他說會順便替我宣佈coffee break,但是他講完大會相關事項後,忘了說coffee break,回神後他只說,now we will have coffee break. Please come back on time.但沒有提醒幾點回來,所以coffee break後的場次時間到了,百分之80的與會者都還在外面聊天,下午舉牌拿剩下2分鐘的工讀生也沒有在break time 四處提醒人要進場了,所以場內很少人。之後負責人還是決定準時開始,也要我到場外提醒大家,但是場內大概只有20人以內,而發表人正進行他的發表,為了避免這種尷尬的情形,一定要確實傳達重要訊息,使會議順利進行。
除了要熟悉會議流程和會議常用語外,不緊張更是重要,臺風就會穩,訊息也可以順利傳達出來。另外,直到上場前都要和主辦單位再次確認講者名單或是任何變動,最好是場次開始前可以找到講者們,向他們確認他們名字的正確念法或提醒他們會議進行型式,例如,speaker introducer 一次介紹兩位講者。be prepared!!真的很重要!!休息時間時,Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education的會長稱讚我英文說的很好,整天結束後,會議負責人也誇我臺風好,說下次會再找我們幫忙,真的很令人欣慰。感謝JO抽空陪我們練口條!期望下次還有機會能夠做得更好。
The conference will start in a few minutes. The restrooms are located at (地方). 【與會者就會知道開始前還有點時間去上廁所或喝水】May we remind you to switch off your cell phone or turn it to the silent mode. Thank you for your cooperation.
Opening Ceremony
Good morning, ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the 16th International Conference on Computers in Education, 2008. On behalf on the Asia-Pacific Society on Computers in Education, I’m delighted to welcome you all to this meeting. My special thanks go to those who have traveled great distances to be here. I’m sure that you will find the time spent here worth your while. And now it gives me great pleasure to introduce/present you Professor ______ ______, (頭銜) the chair of our conference, and the president of ~~~.
Let’s welcome Professor ______ _______.【會議名稱需要一口氣說完,並且說的特別清楚,例如“the sixteenth”,除了在逗點前語調都還是維持上揚外(聽者才知道你還沒講完),唸到all,great 這種字時,語調上揚特別強調。句和句中間停一秒,唸到教授們或講者們的名字時可以放慢,讓大家可以聽得清楚】
★It gives me great pleasure to introduce/present you __________.
★It is an honor to introduce/present you _________.
Please join me in expressing our appreciation/gratitude for the speakers of our opening ceremony.【大家會拍手】
Now we’ll move on to our first session in the morning. Would the moderators and speakers please come forward?
【如果講者們沒意識到,可以唱名 Professor x x x, Professor x x x. 他們就會一一上臺】
Excuse me, the session has begun. Please move inside the conference hall.
Reception Lunch
You may have your lunch in the conference hall, but please remember to bring your plates back.
The sessions in the afternoon will begin at 2:20. (at 2:20)【可以重複一次,與會者較有印象準時回來】
Please come back on time. Thank you for your cooperation. Please remember to take your belongings with you, as the conference hall will be empty during lunch break.
We have all enjoyed this wonderful presentation. And now for the Q&A session, we’re honored to have Professor __________ serve as our Q&A moderator.
May we have your attention please? The conference would like to present some souvenirs to the speakers.
Please join me in expressing our appreciation for all the speakers, speaker introducers and Q&A moderators for today’s conference. The conference will resume tomorrow morning at (時間).
We hope to see you then.
